A helping hand

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One of the bright spots of the past several weeks is that way in which communities are working together.  Folks are showing support for those working on the front lines by wearing masks in public to protect them.  Neighbors are caring for one another by checking in with one another at a distance, and dropping of groceries and other necessities where they are needed.

And the need is great.

We’d like to support our neighbors in Putney by donating 100% of the sales of our large Zip Top Tote to the Putney Food Shelf through Monday May 25th, 2020.  This will give you an opportunity to join us in supporting our neighbors whose food security has been jeopardized as a side effect of this pandemic.

As a Worker Owned Cooperative, Concern for Community is one of the 7 Co-op Principles, there are many in need right now, and we want to help do our part to support our neighbors.

If you are local, message maureen@spinnery.com to purchase and arrange a curbside pickup.

We are so grateful for your continued support and your active participation in our fiber community.  We are knitting a better world together with our compassion and empathy.