We are not alone in our admiration for Thea Colman’s newest pattern! A quick search of this week’s most popular patterns in Raverly will bring her Fernet Branca to the… Continue reading
We are not alone in our admiration for Thea Colman’s newest pattern! A quick search of this week’s most popular patterns in Raverly will bring her Fernet Branca to the… Continue reading
Our friend Eli of Skeindeer Knits has organized a club that you may want to take part in! Her pattern subscription club will grant you exclusive access to four as… Continue reading
With the holiday season quickly approaching, many of us here at the Spinnery have started planning and crafting our handknit gifts. When the knitworthy list is long, smaller projects are… Continue reading
We have a new pattern to share with you this week that could be a perfect choice for your holiday gift knitting. Cap Sease has created the Double Stuff Mitten… Continue reading
As we gather around holiday tables this weekend with friends and family, we can’t help but count our blessings. We are so grateful for your enthusiasm for our deliciously wooly yarns…. Continue reading
As temperatures start to drop and days become shorter, we find ourselves drawn to working on projects that will take a bit more time. The prospect of sitting quietly with… Continue reading
We are so looking forward to the New York Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY this weekend. Every year, all of us that return for the fun wear our hand knits… Continue reading
This week we are proud to share with you another new pattern as well as six new shades of Weekend Wool! From top to bottom and left to right is Fawn,… Continue reading
Autumn has so many iconic signs: shorter days, crisp temperatures, turning and falling leaves and the start of school. Each of us marks the change of the seasons with a different… Continue reading
The forecast for this weekend is looking as though it might get a little gloomy, so we have brightened up the production floor by filling it with beautiful yarn for sale…. Continue reading
It all started with Julie Asselin. She dreamed up a new yarn last summer; and when her Nurtured moved through our production line, we all knew that it was something… Continue reading
We love hearing from our friends and customers what they’d like us to create next. We’ve received some great ideas from those of you who stop by our booths at… Continue reading