We are not alone in our admiration for Thea Colman’s newest pattern! A quick search of this week’s most popular patterns in Raverly will bring her Fernet Branca to the… Continue reading
We are not alone in our admiration for Thea Colman’s newest pattern! A quick search of this week’s most popular patterns in Raverly will bring her Fernet Branca to the… Continue reading
Happy 2018! We’d like to introduce you to the Spinnery’s newest pattern: Triangles. This darling little pullover was designed by Cap Sease with little ones in mind. The pattern is sized… Continue reading
With the holiday season quickly approaching, many of us here at the Spinnery have started planning and crafting our handknit gifts. When the knitworthy list is long, smaller projects are… Continue reading
In celebration of the first hints of Spring that have appeared in Vermont this week, we have a new pattern to share with you that has made our winter months more… Continue reading
Perhaps you already knew that March is National Crochet month. The fun folks over at Crochetville, have organized a blog tour that you should follow if you are eager to… Continue reading
We love browsing through photos on Ravelry. It can be so inspiring to see what other folks are working on and better yet, what they’ve recently finished. This week, we… Continue reading
If you follow our Instagram feed, than you may have seen that Maureen recently cast off a Snow Day Shawl designed by Knitting Expat Designs. This beauty is created with three… Continue reading
Temperatures are warming up here in Vermont and that has us eagerly anticipating Spring, which is likely to be delayed by a few more messy late winter storms. In an effort… Continue reading
Whether Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not, we want to herald in the eventual arrival of spring with a fun knit along that will keep us stitching together through… Continue reading
Our collection of four hat patterns designed by Melissa Johnson for our 2016 Project Quartet Hat Club are now available! Up until now, these patterns were exclusively available to those… Continue reading
As temperatures start to drop and days become shorter, we find ourselves drawn to working on projects that will take a bit more time. The prospect of sitting quietly with… Continue reading
This week, we’d like to share a poem that David Ritchie wrote as a submission for the Vermont Sheep & Wool Festival. The Spinnery sponsored the Festival’s contests again this… Continue reading