The delicious scent of BBQ often drifts down the hill from Curtis’ BBQ on long summer afternoons setting our minds to picnicking. But this week, we have ribs of another… Continue reading
The delicious scent of BBQ often drifts down the hill from Curtis’ BBQ on long summer afternoons setting our minds to picnicking. But this week, we have ribs of another… Continue reading
This week has been a steamy one here in the Northeast with lots of (welcome) rain. It has us wishing for a smaller project on our needles and Amy Christoffers’… Continue reading
In celebration of the first hints of Spring that have appeared in Vermont this week, we have a new pattern to share with you that has made our winter months more… Continue reading
If you follow our Instagram feed, than you may have seen that Maureen recently cast off a Snow Day Shawl designed by Knitting Expat Designs. This beauty is created with three… Continue reading
Temperatures are warming up here in Vermont and that has us eagerly anticipating Spring, which is likely to be delayed by a few more messy late winter storms. In an effort… Continue reading
We are so looking forward to the New York Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY this weekend. Every year, all of us that return for the fun wear our hand knits… Continue reading
Autumn has so many iconic signs: shorter days, crisp temperatures, turning and falling leaves and the start of school. Each of us marks the change of the seasons with a different… Continue reading
There is still time to post your photos Jordache Knitalong on our Raverly Group page. We’ll be awarding prizes to three lucky winners in just a few days on Labor… Continue reading
Come stitch with us! We’ll be starting a KNITALONG for this beautiful shawl this weekend (July 16th) and would love to see photos of your progress. You can share them on… Continue reading
As the first skeins of Lana moved through production, Maureen began envisioning a gradient version of this 100% wool fingering weight yarn. With faded vintage cotton fabrics in mind, Maureen worked… Continue reading
To accompany the new yarns that we’ve been working on this Spring, we have several new patterns releasing this week that we are very eager to share with you. All… Continue reading
Sometimes we are drawn to work with a particular yarn because the color speaks to us, at times its the texture or quality of the fiber; and occasionally our selection can… Continue reading